John Biggs BSc, NCP, OHP

John Biggs BSc, NCP, OHP
Nutritional Consulting Practitioner Owner - Optimum Health Vitamins John has been counseling people on how to achieve and maintain better health naturally for 25 years, and started Optimum Health in 1993. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Science degree specializing in Foods and Nutrition from the University of Alberta, and he is registered with the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants as a Nutritional Consulting Practitioner. John is also an ongoing student of the Institute for Functional Medicine. He has completed their training course, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, and has been a member since 1998.

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Optimum Health Vitamins'
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a broad scale realization of the dramatic improvements in quality of life that can be accomplished through correct nutrition and supplementation to support the healthy structure and function of all bodily systems, and improve how people feel on an immediate, daily, and long-term basis. Our goal is not only to make people healthier, but also happier so they can get more out of life.

Optimum Health ... it's about Living Better!