Natural Health Blog | Optimum Health Vitamins

My Magic Bullet for Hay Fever Relief!

Written by Maddie Laberge, BSc. CHNC | Tue, May 12, 2015 @ 07:47 PM

Written by Maddie Laberge, BSc. CHNC

After several years using many different natural supplement strategies for hay fever relief, I have finally found a formula that successfully works for me to battle my seasonal allergies! If you are waking up sneezing while your nose won’t stop running and you feel like scratching your eyeballs out, then you’ll want to read on!

Every year I can count on the same old rotten allergies making their way to my front door. The snow begins to melt and as much as I anticipate the green grass and abundant sunshine, I also dread the invisible pollen that I know is coming for me!

If you’re interested in combating your seasonal allergies by going to the health food store instead of the drugstore, I have some fantastic tried and true suggestions for you!

Here are the stars of the show.


I do not generally use homeopathic remedies, as I primarily lean towards plant herbs instead, but I will sing the praises of Pollinosan to anyone who will listen! I received a sample of this years ago from the company A. Vogel. It has changed my life. I would say it is my number one allergy relief formula. For those who enjoy the scientific studies backing these types of products, you can refer to A. Vogel’s website where you will read that “88.5% of patients reported an improvement in their allergy symptoms”. I personally do not require the study to tell me that I feel amazing from this product!


Optimized Resveratrol.

Another supplement that I have in my arsenal is a formula called Optimized Resveratrol. This formula combines a few heavy hitters including quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid which is found naturally in certain foods like onions and berries, and there is research that shows it can inhibit histamine! I’ve found that combining this formula with the Pollinosan works great!

Fenugreek and Thyme

Not only a huge help in allergy season, Fenugreek and Thyme is a year round supplement that I keep on hand and use almost daily! If you find yourself constantly clearing your throat (milk does this to me every time!), or experiencing post nasal due of many reasons that could include certain foods, a cold, or allergy, this supplement can help break down that mucous and let you breathe free! Stop blowing your nose and pop a couple for Fenugreek and Thyme capsules!

Note: That with using herbs and homeopathics, you generally require a more frequent dosing schedule than taking a 12-hour allergy drug. You need to be conscious of timing during the day as these supplements tend to wear off after 3-4 hours. I have also found that using one method alone does not always produce the results I require. Depending on your individual needs, an allergy protocol can consist of a few supplements.

Mine includes the above supplements I’ve mentioned in addition to:

• Vitamin C, to help stabilize my adrenals.
Probiotics, to keep my intestinal tract colonized with healthy bacteria to aid my immune system.
• Fish oils, to decrease inflammation in my body.
• And enzymes, to take the load off my digestive system.

I also try to eat as clean as possible during allergy season. My body doesn’t need any extra junk to deal with during this time!

Overall, you will want to support your entire body while it is getting bombarded! This is a fight that you have a good chance of winning if you take the supplements that are right for you! How do you do this? You need to experiment (and even do some research) because it depends on quite a few variables, such as how severe your allergies are, and if your digestion is functioning properly.

If you would like help in sorting through all of this, please contact me at Optimum Health Vitamins to set up a consultation!





Disclaimer: The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician.