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Maddie’s Top 5 Supplements For Stress And Anxiety.

Written by Maddie Laberge, BSc. CHNC | Tue, Mar 1, 2016 @ 08:26 PM

Sometimes the world is just too loud. We want to find a quiet place to hide away but work, family and errands are all calling upon us to push harder. Can you relate to that? Is your world going a little too fast and are you finding it hard to keep up? How can we find balance while still living up to our responsibilities?
Luckily, there are vast amounts of supplements for stress and anxiety. Figuring out which one is best for you can sometimes be confusing. If you are curious about what is available, we have compiled a Top 5 list for you!

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1. Magnesium

One of the simplest and most affordable solutions that I have come across for stress in all my years working in the wellness industry is Magnesium. From headaches to muscle aches and nighttime cramps, I recommend magnesium as a supplement first above all. Used on a continual basis, I have seen magnesium calm anxiety and eliminate chronic muscles spasms. Magnesium can even work on acute situations. Our Epsom salts (which are magnesium salts for those who did not know) are always a hit when added to a nice relaxing bath. Your body is able to absorb the some of the magnesium right through your skin! Customers report their tension drifts away when they have a peaceful soak! Add in a few drops of essential oils for some aromatherapy and you can have a heavenly experience in your very own home!
Related article: Optimized Magnesium - A More Complete Magnesium Supplement.

Note: If using magnesium supplements, it is important to use the proper type and dose of magnesium specific for you, so please talk to a qualified health practitioner about what works best for your personal situation.

2. Skullcap 

If magnesium doesn’t quite do the trick for you, then you may want to experiment with some tried and true herbs. Skull cap, Latin name Scutellaria lateriflora, is known as a Nerve Tonic. Nerve Tonics are plants that strengthen the nervous system based on its plant constituents. Skullcap is noted as being useful for those who develop twitches due to stress and anxiety. This would include menstrual spasms as well. Also good for those who feel overwhelmed in situations where the lights are too bright or feel their environment is too intense. Over thinkers can try drinking 2-3 cups a day to see if their mind chatter quiets down. If Skullcap is the right herb for you, you may use it regularly on a long term basis.

3. Catnip

Not just for cats! An often overlooked herb that is gentle enough for kids and the elderly is Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria. Whereas Skullcap is known as a nerve tonic, Catnip is known as a Nerve sedative. This means that Catnip would be used when sleeping -or giving some sedation to the body- is the goal. If tensions, and maybe even pain, are getting in the way, you may want to check Catnip out. I have known clients to use a combination of Catnip and Fennel to relieve colicky infants (who appear to have intestinal pain) with great success. Unlike Skull cap, Catnip is not an herb you want to use long term, but as needed, or “cycled”. Catnip may cause relief in adults who hold tension and anxiety in their stomach, or this calming herb may simply dampen those coffee jitters!

4. And 5! B-Complex Vitamins, and l-lysine.
I’ve included these two supplements together as I would recommend they be taken at the same time for a specific purpose. The herpes simplex virus is very common these days. Because the herpes virus lives in the nervous system, it can easily be triggered in times of physical and emotional stress or anxiety. I cannot tell you how many customers walk in to see me, complaining of their painful cold sores right before the -sometimes stressful!- Christmas holidays. Although I have written out entire protocols designed to relieve the frequency and severity of this virus, I will just focus on two of the best natural remedies I have come across. These are a daily B-Complex vitamin supplements and the amino acid l-lysine.

l-lysine can be taken preventatively, and even used when an outbreak has occurred. It helps to diminish the replication of the virus. If you pop over to WebMD, you will find a couple hundred testimonials and some research links if you want to investigate this further.

The vitamin B-Complex is good to take on a daily basis. When we are stressed, we tend to “burn up” our B vitamins quicker in our body. Replenishing them is a great way to keep our body in tip top shape!

So if you have been feeling more stress than usual in your life and are curious about what you can pick up in a health food store, you might want to consider researching information on these particular supplements to see if one (or two!) fit for you! Many times, trying out a supplement protocol can work wonders at easing your mind and reducing your tension! Give it a try!



Maddie is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant that works in the Edmonton area. If you would like to book a consultation with Maddie, please contact her @



Disclaimer: The above information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician.